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a1 final proposal V2_edited.jpg


This project presents an interactive online interface as a response to the case of internal colonisation of Galicia in Spain, investigating several interventions built during Franco's dictatorship on the Galician side of the river Limia. 


This project proposes an interactive 3D Environment as a response to the eucalyptization of native forests, a process supported by the milatiry industry during the dictatorship.

Alborada investigates the surviving ecologies of a wetland occupied by the paper industry and proposes a post-industrial afterlife for a decaying intertidal relic. 

The urban pleasure garden is defined through a soundscape where visual and auditory experiences engages the user with the introduction of sound into architectural design.

The project is a gallery located in Hyde Park, at Albertopolis northernmost  point. This is my interpretation of a contemporary Salon, an ode to knowledge and preservation in form of experience, a ´sweet disorder and carefully careless’ side sight to Victorian history. 

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